Whistling Herons still in Malibú, a report by Bill and Claudia Ahrens
On our way back to the city on August 26 we stopped to scan the ponds at the Malibu development in Nueva Gorgona with Cindy Lieurance and Leslie Lieurance.

The pond seen from the fence had about 30 Least Grebes and we found 1 Pied-billed Grebe. The pond at the back of the development is in a much more natural state and had a number of other species. Most notable - there was a Capped Heron on the far shore and a non-breeding adult Black Tern. We also saw a single American Kestrel and 2 Whistling Heron in the field area.
The pond seen from the fence had about 30 Least Grebes and we found 1 Pied-billed Grebe. The pond at the back of the development is in a much more natural state and had a number of other species. Most notable - there was a Capped Heron on the far shore and a non-breeding adult Black Tern. We also saw a single American Kestrel and 2 Whistling Heron in the field area.
Leslie Lieurance shared this video of the sighting.