PAS Fieldtrip to Wekso and Río Teribe

Advantage Tours' Venicio Wilson led the Panama Audubon Society fieldtrip to Wekso and Río Teribe, on La Amistad International Park on the province of Bocas del Toro, from November 2-5. A full report will be published on the January issue of The Toucan, but in the meantime a list of highlights will have to do. Part of the group got a one-day head start, which they spent at Willie Mazu on Palo Seco Protection Forest. No monklet, but they did find a Sharpbill, also seen during the PAS trip to Fortuna earlier in the year. The following day, upon meeting the rest of the group at the Changuinola airport, they found a female Painted Bunting . The trails around Wekso provided Green Ibis and Snowy Cotinga , while a visit to the town of Bonyic produced a Rufous-winged Woodpecker right in the middle of town.