Rose-throated Becard and Brown Violetear, a report by Jack Doyle
A Rose-throated Becard nest was discovered by Peter Sterling and Lloyd Cripe while birding in the Caldera area along the Chiriquí River April 27th. Lloyd photographed the pair that day. Subsequent to this sighting several Boquete Birders have visited the nest site. The nest is being constructed in the same tree and directly under approximately 9 hanging Crested Oropendola nests. Yesterday, May 13th, several BB’s watched the Becard pair carrying nesting material, some of which came from an abandoned nest in the immediate vicinity.

The Brown Violetear currently visiting our terrace here in Boquete appears to be an immature. The bird originally showed up here May 6th and is still visiting regularly.

The Brown Violetear currently visiting our terrace here in Boquete appears to be an immature. The bird originally showed up here May 6th and is still visiting regularly.