Antswarm at Cerro Azul, a report by Claudia & Bill Ahrens

We went back over to Birder's View this morning... We'd gone over there on Thursday late afternoon to walk your trail and hopefully get one more bird for the 3rd quarter of 2010. On Thursday we thought we'd possible seen the Speckled Antshrike but it had gotten late and was too dark to make a good ID. There is a pretty large ant swarm in the woods and yes we did see, today, the female Speckled Antshrike (twice). Nando was there working and he said he'd heard what he thought was the Ground-Cuckoo early this morning. We also got Black-crowned Antpitta, the normal contingent of Antbirds (Spotted, Bicolored and Ocellated) and many Woodcreepers (Plain-brown, Ruddy, Northern Barred and Cocoa). The antswarm was on the lower trail before you get to Nando's new trail.