A serpentophagous antshrike
Last Thursday near the Pipeline Road gate, Jacobo Ortega discovered this female Fasciated Antshrike in flagrante delicto, impersonating a Secretary Bird.

Then this morning on their way to the Cerro Ancón raptor count site with Ramiro Duque, Celeste Paiva, Lorena Garcia, Enrique Sánchez and Laura Reyes he photographed this juvenile Black-billed Cuckoo and, more interestingly, a Wilson's Warbler: a common winter resident in the western highlands but a very rare vagrant in central Panama. This is possibly the first record from the lowlands, as the three records in Ridgely are from foothills. The bird was an adult male that spent all morning in the bushes on the canal side of the mirador and was seen by all present.

Then this morning on their way to the Cerro Ancón raptor count site with Ramiro Duque, Celeste Paiva, Lorena Garcia, Enrique Sánchez and Laura Reyes he photographed this juvenile Black-billed Cuckoo and, more interestingly, a Wilson's Warbler: a common winter resident in the western highlands but a very rare vagrant in central Panama. This is possibly the first record from the lowlands, as the three records in Ridgely are from foothills. The bird was an adult male that spent all morning in the bushes on the canal side of the mirador and was seen by all present.